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Can Creativity really bring Calm?

Writer's picture: ShelleyShelley

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

The short answer is YES it can! Great news, creativity can be calming, it has been scientifically proven. So why don't more people know about this and how much it can change your life for the better if you spend more time doing it?

How to get more creative

We don't all like arts and crafts. I love them all myself but there is such a broad spectrum of ways to be more creative today, that you are bound to find something you love doing.

You are probably already being creative without even realising it. Anything that makes you feel 'in flow' and lose all track of time when you are doing it counts. 'Have I really been doing this for 2 hours, it only felt like 5 minutes had gone past?'. Creative Ideas can be as diverse as writing a novel to computer programming, parchment, needle, wool, cross-stitch crafts, experimenting with inventing your own recipes, inventing new games. Crosswords, Suduko, home decor design. All the obvious ones like baking, painting, drawing and colouring. You get the idea. If you find yourself unable to get creative in your everyday life, you will feel like there is something missing, even if you can't quite put your finger on what that is.

Time is the enemy

That is all well and good I hear you cry, but I don't have time for all that. Have a think. Have you ever doodled while on the phone call or webinar or during a boring meeting? This simple act may be just enough to get you through to the end of an otherwise dull call or lecture. It is your brains way of telling you that it needs a creative escape. We are at our most creative when we have reduced levels of the brain neurotransmitter norepinephrine according to research. Although it is not completely understood yet, it is thought that this may improve our brain's communication between otherwise disparate pathways, allowing the formation of new ideas and connections more easily. Getting creative therefore actually saves you time in the long run!

How to reclaim time

Here is a quick time saving action you can take today.

  1. Take a look at this weeks todo list.

  2. Remove a 10 minute task from each day that can wait another day or be scrapped altogether.

  3. That is a whole hour this week that you now have to go and do something fun and creative instead.

See what happens, are you now finding that by giving yourself this break are you actually getting through the rest of the things on your list more easily and more quickly? Give it a try.


As well as getting creative. Colour also has a profound influence on us whether we realise it or not. Have you ever wondered why different colours evoke different emotions for different people? It also varies depending on age, gender, where you live and cultural differences. There is a whole science behind the influence of colour in our lives.

For more details and some interesting facts about Colour Psychology visit

For more on colour means visit

Taking the healing benefits of creativity and the fun of exploring colours, putting them together, I have something fun planned. All you need is a willingness to get creative, in your own way, try one new thing and see if it works for you. It is all trial and error for us all. If you can introduce creative activities into your day, a small realistic change into your current routine, one at a time, it is cumulative and it will help calm your nervous system over time.

Calm Colouring

NEW this month! It is something I have done for my own self-care for years now but never really thought about actively sharing what I know, outside of the various classes and different groups I have belonged to. Join me for some Calm Colouring with a difference via zoom. See the Facebook event for more details.

Use our FREE Facebook group to stay in touch with the people you have met and keep colouring together between the month zoom sessions.

Bring something to colour, an old envelop or card (you will have to wait and see what this is for, print a page from My FREE 30 page ebook or something else you already have to colour. Use pens, pencils, crayons, paints, alcohol markers, felt tip pens. It doesn't matter. Just join in with me for some calm fun. Use it to feel connected, chat and enjoy the company of others. I will be showing you a couple of things at the start but other than that, it is your chance to take an hour off to create and colour to your heart's content.

If you really enjoy it and would like to support me in making more free resources like this one, then donations are most welcome at this time. 10% of all donations received will go to Thank you!

More available workshops

  • Facial Reflexology to aid Menopausal symptoms. (Available to buy online)

  • Sleep Visualisation and Reflexology Movement Meditation Workshop. (By request)

  • February Fun - Monthly 'Calm Colouring' FREE evening zoom sessions. (Book here)

  • March Manage - 'Soothe Stress'.

  • April Action - 'Anxiety Taming'.

If you need support or would like to book on to a workshop, get in touch. For now, Happy Colouring!

Shelley Mason MAR

Reflexologist and NLP Practitioner

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