Struggling to Sleep?
I'm running a 3 day Sleep Refresher Experience for you from 12th - 14th September! Whoo Hoo!
Want to go from wired and tired to relaxed and revived? Imagine enjoying a great night's sleep and waking with all the energy you so crave!
Now is your chance to get your sleep habits and routine sorted out for good.
It's FREE to register, with access to my Facebook Group at no charge. If you like what you see and enjoy the experience, you will then have the option to book in for a 1-2-1 Sleep Analysis Session, with me to help you define exactly what sleep improvements you wish to make and where to start. Join my Online Sleep Programme with further resources and different options to suit your unique needs and budget, including the option of a further 21 days worth of eMail support, to help you make the changes you wish to make and online or in-person Reflexology for Sleep sessions to complement that too.
Join me on this relaxed, pressure-free experience with a difference, that feels more like a mini-break, spa and retreat than a challenge and you leave with potentially life-changing results without even having to leave the comfort of your sofa unless you wish to.
Each day you will have a task that will take you less than 15 mins to complete, including watching an instructional video short.
You can then dedicate as much time as you wish to relaxing and doing more of the things that you love. Even if you can only find 20 mins to 1 hour, when you can make some minor changes to what you normally do, it is possible to make a profound difference.

What's included:
Review of how your current sleep feels and what getting your ideal sleep would mean for you.
A gentle reality check. How much change can you really make right now, to improve your sleep? What is feasible for you?
An online relax into Reflexology for Sleep evening.
Optional - 1-2-1 sleep analysis, personalised sleep improvement action plan and weekly email prompts.
Optional - Access to my 'S.L.E.E.P. Well Programme' including a bank of online resources to support your sleep improvement goals together with 3 Reflexology for Sleep 1-2-1 sessions.
Optional - Online community support, inspiration and accountability.
Optional - Aromareflex Sleep Easy Blend to use between treatments at home.
Who is this refresher for?
This challenge is for you, if:
you would like better quality sleep at the right time.
would like to learn some simple techniques to aid your sleep
be held accountable for making the changes needed to improve your sleep.
would like to be able to reset your body clock and teach your children how to do the same.
your sleep and stress levels have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or other global events and would like to learn how to manage that stress more effectively aiding your sleep.
do you want some well deserved time for yourself to unwind and enjoy some normality?
being stressed out to the max, wired all the time has become your normal, you can't sit still for even 5 minutes to relax normally, then this refresher is also for you.
perhaps you believe that you don't have time to stop, rest or sleep, you’re to-do list is far too long for that. Then this is for you.
you feel dog tired all the time but when the time comes, you can't sleep, then this is for you.
maybe you wake in the night or sleep so lightly that you still wake up feeling as tired as you did before you went to bed.
perhaps you sleep just fine but can't wake when the alarm or second alarm goes off or maybe once asleep you sleep like a log but spend hours tossing and turning to try and drop off to sleep, then this is for you.
shift working, means that you struggle to maintain your concentration at work or ability to switch off on your days off then this is for you.
you are still reading this because you are so tired you can't decide whether to click the button or not on some free self care. I can help you work out what changes you need, so you can finally sleep.

My Story
For those that don't know me, my name is Shelley Mason MAR. MAR stands for Member of the Association of Reflexologists which means that I abide by a strict code of conduct, run a COVID-19 secure practice and am fully insured. I also maintain continuous development and have the honour of leading the East Berkshire area group for local practitioners to ensure that I can stay fully up to date with the latest innovations in my field.
I'm also a wife and working mother of 2, with a varied career history but predominantly spent 20 years in the Corporate Sector, consulting, working in or Managing various IT teams. I've been the power suit living on caffeine and my nerves alone. I've burnt myself out with exhaustion. I've lived through sleepless nights with a young family and I have experienced postnatal depression and know what it feels like to be an anxiety sufferer, have insomnia and get panic attacks in the past.
In my 50's, I'm navigating per-menopause, child to teen transition, neurodiverse needs, caring for older relatives and friends and the increased frequency of loss that is a natural part of getting older. Life events bring unique sleep challenges for us all. So I come from an informed place. I get it and meet you whereever you are on your own journey.
Now I have found my true calling, helping others to find more balance in their lives and hope that I can help you too.
What my clients think